Conversations: Lewis Center
Join fellow Creatives for some fresh local coffee and open conversation.
Why did God rest after creating? The Creator was neither limited by time nor drained by effort, yet chose to rest. Why? Genesis 2:1-4 tells us that after completing His creative work, God rested, blessed the seventh day, and made it holy. This act wasn’t about recovery; it was about setting an example and establishing principles that are vital to our lives. It teaches us that rest is a culmination of creation, a model of sacred rhythms, an act of renewal, and a demonstration of trust.
This week’s discussion guide coming soon
Conversations: Clintonville
Join fellow Creatives for some fresh local coffee and open conversation.
Why did God rest after creating? The Creator was neither limited by time nor drained by effort, yet chose to rest. Why? Genesis 2:1-4 tells us that after completing His creative work, God rested, blessed the seventh day, and made it holy. This act wasn’t about recovery; it was about setting an example and establishing principles that are vital to our lives. It teaches us that rest is a culmination of creation, a model of sacred rhythms, an act of renewal, and a demonstration of trust.
This week’s discussion guide coming soon
Conversations: Lewis Center
Join fellow Creatives for some fresh local coffee and open conversation.
What are the guiding principles of your life? Maybe it's easier to think about this from a project standpoint. What's the deadline, budget, and deliverables? Certain colors, typefaces, and styles might be off the table to start. These are often the most productive projects. One's that have discovered early what must be included and what must be excluded. Paradoxically, there is true freedom in restriction, when the rules/principles have correctly identified. What rules guide your life? Where do they come from?
This week’s discussion guide coming soon
Conversations: Clintonville
Join fellow Creatives for some fresh local coffee and open conversation.
What are the guiding principles of your life? Maybe it's easier to think about this from a project standpoint. What's the deadline, budget, and deliverables? Certain colors, typefaces, and styles might be off the table to start. These are often the most productive projects. One's that have discovered early what must be included and what must be excluded. Paradoxically, there is true freedom in restriction, when the rules/principles have correctly identified. What rules guide your life? Where do they come from?
This week’s discussion guide coming soon
Conversations: Lewis Center
Join fellow Creatives for some fresh local coffee and open conversation.
What is the vision that drives your life and the things you create? How do you see and treat yourself, clients, coworkers, friends and enemies? It is easy to lose the core vision of God's creation. The good news is that he hasn't and he invites us to come, see, and make it our life's work.
This week’s discussion guide coming soon
Conversations: Clintonville
Join fellow Creatives for some fresh local coffee and open conversation.
What is the vision that drives your life and the things you create? How do you see and treat yourself, clients, coworkers, friends and enemies? It is easy to lose the core vision of God's creation. The good news is that he hasn't and he invites us to come, see, and make it our life's work.
This week’s discussion guide coming soon
Conversations: Clintonville
Join fellow Creatives for some fresh local coffee and open conversation.
Why did God create? Why do we? Before creation, there was chaos. Darkness covered the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. From this vast emptiness, God began to create—bringing light, form, and purpose to what had been formless and void. God’s first identity revealed in Scripture is as Creator, and in His image, we too are makers.
But, creation often starts with chaos or nothing at all. All possibilities are on the table. Things could go wonderfully, or they could go awfully—and often, both happen. So why did God create, knowing the risks? Why do we step into the unknown and create? Let’s explore how God’s creative process speaks to our own journeys as disciples and creatives.
Conversations: Lewis Center
Join fellow Creatives for some fresh local coffee and open conversation.
Why did God create? Why do we? Before creation, there was chaos. Darkness covered the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. From this vast emptiness, God began to create—bringing light, form, and purpose to what had been formless and void. God’s first identity revealed in Scripture is as Creator, and in His image, we too are makers.
But, creation often starts with chaos or nothing at all. All possibilities are on the table. Things could go wonderfully, or they could go awfully—and often, both happen. So why did God create, knowing the risks? Why do we step into the unknown and create? Let’s explore how God’s creative process speaks to our own journeys as disciples and creatives.
Creative Coffees: The Builders
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 7:24-29, where Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount with the parable of the wise and foolish builders. In this passage, Jesus illustrates the importance of a solid foundation for a life built on his teachings. Engage in a thoughtful conversation with fellow creatives in Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Trees & Fruit
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 7:15-23, where Jesus uses the analogy of trees and their fruit to emphasize discernment. In this passage, Jesus encourages us to assess the authenticity of our actions and the actions of others. Engage in a thoughtful conversation with fellow creatives in Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Two Gates
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 7:13-14, where Jesus introduces the golden rule. In this passage, Jesus calls us to treat others as we wish to be treated. Engage in a thoughtful conversation with fellow creatives in Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: The Golden Rule
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 7:12, where Jesus introduces the golden rule. In this passage, Jesus calls us to treat others as we wish to be treated. Engage in a thoughtful conversation with fellow creatives in Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
View this week’s discussion guide coming soon.
Created Conference 2024
Created Conference is a one-day gathering where artists, designers, writers, filmmakers, creators and makers of all types join together to learn, create, and celebrate.
Above all, it is a time to be encouraged and inspired by the creativity happening in and around our city for our city and the glory of God.
Being a creative isn't just a job, a career, or a title. It's an identity. It is something given and found in the wonder of the creative process. It's the power to bring emotion, action, and change in our minds and the world around us.
Creative Coffees: Bread & Stones
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 7:9-11, where Jesus invites us to consider the goodness of the heavenly Father. In this passage, Jesus compares giving bread to children with the generosity of the Father. Engage in a thoughtful conversation with fellow creatives in Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Ask, Seek, Knock
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 7:7-8, where Jesus encourages us to seek and ask with confidence. In this passage, Jesus reveals the promise that those who seek, find. Engage in a thoughtful conversation with fellow creatives in Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Judgment
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 7:1-6, where Jesus delves into the theme of judgment. In this passage, Jesus calls us to reflect on how we approach judgment and mercy. Engage in a thoughtful conversation with fellow creatives in Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Today And Tomorrow
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 6:34, where Jesus continues his transformative teachings on worry and living in the present. In this passage, Jesus invites us to focus on today, trusting God's faithfulness in it and tomorrow. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Food And Clothing
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 6:28-33, where Jesus delves into the profound truth of God's provision. In this passage, Jesus encourages us to seek God's kingdom first, knowing that our needs will be met. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
View this week’s discussion guide coming soon.
Creative Coffees: Anxiety
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 6:25-27, where Jesus continues his transformative teachings on anxiety and trust. In this passage, Jesus encourages us to trust in God's provision and care. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
View this week’s discussion guide coming soon.
Creative Coffees: The Eye Is A Lamp
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 6:22-24, where Jesus delves into the significance of our focus and vision. In this passage, Jesus invites us to consider the state of our attention and focus, and how it impacts our entire lives. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Treasures In Heaven
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 6:19-21, where Jesus continues his transformative teachings on treasures and priorities. In this passage, Jesus challenges us to prioritize eternal treasures over temporal ones. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Fasting
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 6:16-18, where Jesus delves into the transformative practice of fasting. In this passage, Jesus provides insights into the sincere and humble nature of fasting. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Forgiveness
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 6:14-15, where Jesus continues his transformative teachings on forgiveness. In this passage, Jesus emphasizes the reciprocal nature of forgiveness and its impact on our relationship with God. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: The Lord’s Prayer
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 6:9-13, where Jesus delves into the transformative power of the Lord's Prayer. In this passage, Jesus provides a model for prayer that encompasses reverence, surrender, and dependence while answering a core question, "How should we pray?" Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: What Is Prayer?
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 6:5-8, where Jesus delves into the topic of prayer. In this passage, Jesus provides insights into the sincere and authentic nature of prayer. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Generosity
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 6:1-4, where Jesus delves into the transformative nature of generosity. In this passage, Jesus encourages sincere and humble giving. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Defining Love
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will delve into Matthew 5:44-48, where Jesus continues his transformative teachings on the mount. In this passage, Jesus redefines love, urging us to extend it even to our enemies. We ask ourselves and one another, "Who is my enemy? And how might I love them?" Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Insult & Injury
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will explore Matthew 5:38-42, where Jesus continues his transformative teachings on the mount. In this passage, Jesus challenges our responses to insult and injury, advocating for a counter-cultural approach. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Commitment
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will delve into Matthew 5:27-37, where Jesus continues his transformative teachings on the mount. In this passage, Jesus explores the profound nature of commitment, addressing matters of the heart and fidelity. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Reconciliation
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will discuss Matthew 5:21-26, where Jesus continues his transformative teachings on the mount. In this passage, Jesus addresses the depth of reconciliation, challenging us to navigate relationships with grace and forgiveness. Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: The Law
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will read Matthew 5:17-20, where Jesus continues his transformative teachings on the mount. In this passage, Jesus emphasizes the continuity of the law and clarifies what it means for him to fulfill it (and the prophets). Be part of a deepening discussion with other creatives around Columbus as we reflect on how these teachings influence our personal lives, homes, and workplaces.
Creative Coffees: Salt & Light
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we will step into the 'Salt and Light' discourse, a captivating passage where Jesus uses metaphors to paint a vivid picture of kingdom living, both now and eternal. Together, we'll explore the transformative influence of a life seasoned with salt and radiating with light. Join us for a conversation that delves into the depths of these metaphors, revealing their impact on our identity, interactions with others, and creative expressions.
Creative Coffees: “Blessed”
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
In this transformative passage, often known as the Beatitudes, Jesus unveils the attitudes and qualities that mark a truly blessed life, deeply connected with God. Together, we'll explore the counter-cultural wisdom of these blessings, discovering how they shape our perspectives, attitudes, and interactions in our daily lives. Come prepared for a reflective and inspiring conversation that explores the timeless relevance of these Beatitudes for our journey of faith, creativity, and discipleship.
Creative Coffees: In Collaboration With...
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
As we enter into the Advent season we will pause and reflect on the character of God seen through the coming of Christ and his ultimate return. Today, some of the most wonderful works of art across the globe are thanks to "collabs" that combine the creativity, style, and resources of different people and groups. This week's discussion will surround collaboration as it relates to our work and lives. What is so powerful about collaboration? What roles do God and others have in the things we create? What does it look like to foster healthy collaboration between groups?
Creative Coffees: The Beauty of Consistency
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
As we enter into the Advent season we will pause and reflect on the character of God seen through the coming of Christ and his ultimate return. The Gospels start with a 17 verse genealogy many pass by but it boldly emphasizes the faithfulness of God and his consistency of character. This week's discussion will surround our posture as people and creatives as it relates to Jesus' incarnation and God's covenant(s) with humanity.
Creative Coffees: Concept to Reality
Join us for some Roosevelt Coffee and open conversation.
This week we’ll be discussing the parable of The Pharisee & Tax Collector, found in Luke 18:9-14.
In this introspective dialogue inspired by the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, we'll explore the delicate balance between being grounded in faith and prophetic in our creativity. Creatives often possess a unique gift for envisioning the future, but just like the tax collector's humble acknowledgment of his own shortcomings, this discussion invites us to examine how we bridge our lofty creative visions with the authenticity of our lives and God's will. Join us as we reflect on the complexities of faith, humility, and creativity, navigating the intersection where our ideals meet the tangible realities of our faith and creative endeavors.
Feel free to bring your laptop and stick around and work with us afterwards. Grab something at the brewery and lunch at the food truck.